3 Formulas for Crafting Compelling Bulk SMS Messages

3 Formulas For Crafting Compelling Bulk Sms Messages

Sending an SMS that delivers results is more than just crafting the message. It is a blend of copywriting. This is especially true for SMS marketing, where you only have a few precious words to capture attention and drive action. This formula involves three key ingredients: the opening, the body, and the call to action. Mastering these components will turn your SMS campaigns from forgettable messages into engagement powerhouses.

Formula 1: Use a Strong Opening Line

The opening line of your SMS is like the first handshake in a business meeting. It sets the tone and determines whether your recipient will engage with the rest of the message. For example, check this brilliant Opening from MTN. 

“THIS OFFER IS TOO GOOD TO PASS UP! Download the myMTNNG App and get FREE 50GB DATA and 50% extra on all recharges. Click https://mtnapp.page.link/myMTNNGApp to download.”

Here’s how to craft an opening that compels them to read on:

  • Spark Curiosity: People are naturally drawn to questions and mysteries. Use a thought-provoking question or an intriguing statement to pique their interest.
  • Highlight a Benefit: Lead with the value proposition upfront. Tell them why your message is important and how it can benefit them.
  • Create a Sense of Urgency: Limited-time offers or scarcity tactics can create a sense of urgency, prompting recipients to act quickly. For example: “Last Chance! Double your points offer ends tonight! Don’t miss out. “
  • Personalize the Introduction: Personalization goes a long way in grabbing attention. If your SMS platform allows, consider including the recipient’s name or mentioning a previous purchase. For example: “[Customer Name], miss you! We have a special offer just for you! “

Remember: Keep your opening line concise and impactful within the character limit. Consider A/B testing different opening lines to see what resonates best with your audience.

Formula 2: Crafting a Compelling Body

Once you’ve hooked your reader with a captivating opening, it’s time to deliver the main message. The body of your SMS should be clear, concise, and informative:

  • Focus on the Benefits: People are more likely to engage with messages that highlight how your offer can improve their lives. Focus on the value proposition and the positive impact on your audience.
  • Use Strong Verbs & Active Voice: Active voice verbs create a sense of urgency and action. Use strong verbs that convey the value of your offer. For example, “Download the app and get exclusive deals!”
  • Highlight Scarcity or Urgency: Reinforce the sense of urgency established in the opening line by mentioning limited quantities or time constraints.
  • Keep it Short & Sweet: Every character counts in an SMS. Focus on the essential information and avoid unnecessary words.
  • Maintain a Conversational Tone: SMS marketing allows for a more informal approach. Use a friendly and approachable tone to connect with your audience.

Example: Get 20% off your first order! Use code WELCOME20 at checkout. Valid for 24 hours only! (This example highlights the benefit, uses a strong verb and active voice, mentions urgency, and maintains a conversational tone within the character limit.)

Formula 3: Use a Clear Call to Action

The call to action (CTA) is where you tell your audience what you want them to do next. A clear and compelling CTA can significantly improve conversion rates. Here’s how to craft a strong CTA:

  • Be Specific: Don’t be vague. Tell your audience exactly what action you want them to take. “Shop Now!” or “Visit Our Website” are clear CTAs.
  • Make it Easy: Remove any friction or obstacles between the recipient and the desired action. Provide a clear link or instructions for them to follow.
  • Use Action Verbs: Words like “download,” “claim,” or “learn more” encourage immediate action.
  • Create a Sense of Urgency: Reinforce the urgency established earlier by emphasizing limited-time offers or scarcity.

Example: Claim your FREE trial today! Click here: [link]. (This example is clear, concise, uses an action verb, and includes a link to make it easy for the recipient to take action.)

Start using these 3 tips and get positive results from your SMS Marketing Campaigns from today.

3 Crucial Factors for Effective Bulk SMS Campaigns in Nigeria