How to use Text Merge on Nigeria Bulk SMS

Personalized Bulk Sms Messages

Here are the steps to follow when you want to send personalized messages using text merge on Nigeria Bulk SMS.

  1. Prepare your contact list or database file in the right format. The file that contains your recipient information must be saved as .txt or .csv. In this case, you can only use notepad (.txt) or excel (saved as .csv). Notepad is used here for illustration because it is easy and straight forward.

Here is a clear example of the format in notepad for personalized messages.

2348020000000,Anthony,Honda Accord,23rd November         

2348030000000,Abiodun,Toyota Hilux,5th December              

2348040000000,Francis,Honda Civic,26th November              

2348050000000,Akpan,Toyota Corolla,7th December           

2348060000000,Ibrahim,Toyota Avensis,29th November

In the example of the format above, there are three tokens:  Name {1}, Vehicle type {2}, and due date {3}.

  1. Go back to your account and click on “messaging”. Then select “text merge”
  2. Click on “browse file” to choose the contact list you prepared in step 1.
  3. Enter your sender ID
  4. Prepare your message

“Good morning {1}, please be reminded that your {2} will be due for servicing on {3}. Thanks for your patronage.”

Note: The number of tokens in your message must be equal to the number of tokens in your database.

  1. Login to your Bulk SMS account
  2. Go to “messaging” and click “text merge”
  3. Browse and select your database file you prepared in step 1 above
  4. Put your desired sender ID.
  5. Paste the message you prepared in step 2 above
  6. Click “send”

You are done!

Conclusion on Text Merge

Note: You can only send personalized messages to a maximum of 5,000 contacts at a time on Nigeria Bulk SMS once you are registered.

Text Merge is a very important tool for every Bulk SMS user. Business wise, it gives you an edge over other competitors when it comes to sending complimentary SMS to customers.

At this point, you don’t just send messages to your contact list, you address them specifically. This makes them feel special.

Text Merge
How to use Text Merge on Nigeria Bulk SMS

Same applies to debtors. You don’t just send due payment SMS, you address them specifically with their names, amount pending and due date for payment. This way, they know you mean business. 

Still having difficulties with sending personalized messages? Contact us for guidance