How to check and download your delivery report on Nigeria Bulk SMS is a very easy thing to do.
Before I proceed, let me take you through on what “delivery report” on Nigeria Bulk SMS means for the sake of newcomers and prospective newcomers.
“Delivery report is a platform that gives you well-organized and specific information on the status of delivery for SMS sent out earlier.
In layman’s terms, a delivery report is where you can see the numbers to which SMS sent earlier were delivered or not.
Why do you need to check your delivery report?
Apparently, there are several reasons why the need to check your delivery report, would arise. I am just going to point out the most important ones.
First and foremost, for business owners, business strategists, or marketers, you would need to check your delivery report at all times after sending SMS to fetch out numbers that may have not received your promo or new stock alert SMS.
Who knows? There could be a potential top customer sitting there as part of the numbers who might have not received the SMS. In such cases of checking the report and SMS was not delivered to some numbers due to uncontrollable reasons, the next step would be to try again or search for other means to make sure the information gets to the customer.
You do not want to take any prospect for granted. Do you?
Prove you actually sent an SMS!
Secondly, you do not want your boss giving you the task of sending SMS to specific numbers and afterwards, someone is randomly called and mentions not receiving that SMS.
On the other hand, your boss’s number could be part of the numbers and if he doesn’t receive the SMS, he would assume no SMS was sent.
In a situation where you do not have any knowledge of “delivery reports, you could get sacked!
In conclusion, we can call the delivery report a “proof” of the sent SMS.
Now that you have a better understanding of the delivery report and its importance, it is necessary for you to learn how to check it just in case you do not know how to.
How to check your delivery report
The first step is to login to your Nigeria Bulk SMS account.
The second step is to click “reports” at the top menu bar of the page.
The third step is to select “delivery”.
If the SMS was sent on that same day you are checking, then you would see the report of messages sent that same day.
The two calendars on the delivery report are programmed to show the date for each day.
However, in a situation whereby you sent an SMS on the 12th of June and you want to check for the report on the 15th of June, you would have to select the 12th of June on the two calendars and then enter.
Also, if you want to check the report for SMS sent from the 12th of June to the 18th of June, simply select the 12th of June on the first calendar and select the 18th of June on the second calendar.
Among other parameters, the delivery report shows the status of delivery, the number of pages, the charged cost, and the date and time the SMS was sent out.
Below the delivery table, you will see 1- (page number)/total number of SMS sent out.
Furthermore, if you must have sent out SMS to a lot of numbers you cannot start counting, you could sort separately.
To fetch out the total numbers on DND (Do Not Disturb), simply type “DND” in the first search box and enter. All the numbers on DND would pop up. The total numbers on DND will be displayed below.
Interesting discovery right?
Every Delivery Report has an Expiry date
Another thing you need to know is, that the delivery report stays on the system for 7 days which starts counting from the day the SMS was sent out. This means the delivery report for SMS sent out on the 12th of June would wipe off on the 19th of June.
The wipe-off doesn’t take place to offend you in any way. The delivery report wipes off after 7 days to ensure the smooth running of the system for you and I.
Someone might ask. If the delivery report wipes off after 7days, how do I get my report in the case of any emergency or reference?
Surprisingly, that is a very intelligent question right there!
As I said earlier, the delivery report is “proof” of the SMS being sent out in detail.
So your delivery report has to be in your possession even in the next two years… which leads us to how you can download your delivery report.
The first step is to log in to your Nigeria Bulk SMS account and click on “reports” at the top menu bar, then select “downloads”.
The next step is to type the sender ID that particular SMS was sent within the search space, then select the date the SMS was sent out on the calendar and click on the last icon which is the download icon.
The message will pop in below the table. Under “status”, you would see “Queue”. At this point, you would need to keep refreshing the page till the “Queue” changes to “Completed”.
Then you click on the download icon just before “completed”.
Voila!!! Your delivery report is now on your device. You can contact us for more inquiries.