How to your check your message history on Nigeria Bulk SMS is relatively easy and straightforward. But when you cannot have access to your message history or do not know how to go about it, then it becomes disturbing and frustrating.
However, I will give you the steps on how to access your message history anytime at your own convenience.
Before that, let me quickly remind you at this point that; you can only have access to messages within three months. Any message sent more than three months ago clears from the database. This is to ensure a smooth running of the system.
Steps to Access Your Message History
- Visit Nigeria Bulk SMS
- Login to your account. On your menu bar; you will find Messaging, Directory, Reports, and Account.
- Click on Reports.
- From the pull-down menu, click on messages.
At this point, you can relatively see all your messages sent so far for the day.
Remember, you can only have access to messages sent within three months.
Are you looking for a specific message within this period? No cause for alarm, we would get to that shortly.
The message history page includes:
a. Search Field
b. Column
c. Date
d. Search button
Meanwhile, let us have a quick look at two important sections of the message history page that will be of great assistance when searching for your messages. - Search Field. This is the area you specify the exact kind of message you are actually looking for. With this search Field, you can look up a message using the Sender ID. If it happens that you made use of a different Sender ID in sending your messages, going through your entire messages one after the other will be totally time-wasting.
It is at this point you discover the beauty of the search field.
For instance, you are looking for a specific message among hundreds or thousands of messages with the sender’s ID XYZ. All you need do is type XYZ in the search bar and click on the search button that looks like a magnifier lens.
All messages with the sender’s ID XYZ will be displayed.
The Calendar on your Message History
Imagine this: You vaguely remember a hilarious SMS your friend sent you a while back, but you have no idea when. This calendar is your solution! Here’s how it works:
1. Fresh Messages First: When you open your message history, you’ll see all your most recent chats right there. But what if you need to dig deeper?
2. Targeting Specific Dates: Let’s say you have an SMS that was sent in June 2019. Just choose the date field and select “June 1st, 2019” (or whatever date you think it might be). Hit search, and voila! Only messages sent on that specific day will appear. Easy peasy!
3. Unsure of the Exact Date? No Problem! Life isn’t always about pinpointing exact dates, right? That’s where the date range feature comes in.
Here’s how it works: Let’s say you know the SMS was sent sometime between May and June 2019. Just select “May 22nd, 2019” in the first date field, and “June 2nd, 2019” in the second. Boom! You’ll see all your messages from that entire period. No more endless scrolling!
See? Finding old messages doesn’t have to be a frustrating hunt. This calendar feature is your secret weapon to message history mastery.
Just in case you would like to know more about messaging and the kind of messages to construct and send out, click here.